Digital Open 2021

With galleries closed it has been difficult finding an opportunity to show artwork. Worthing Open went online and featured all the submissions on the website for several weeks. The public were able to vote for their favourite pieces of artwork and those receiving the highest number of votes were then shown in an actual exhibition from May to July 2021, when the gallery was finally able to open to visitors.

I submitted a painting, ‘Faversham Creek’ for the show and it achieved the required number of votes to be shown in the exhibition in the Norwood Gallery. The work was inspired by the creek where barges were tied up with thick ropes and rusty chains.

Open Exhibition

My painting ‘Rope 2’ has been selected for the Worthing Open. The exhibition runs until March 2019

WAOH art trail

I will be exhibiting my work over three weekends at Venue 34 of Worthing Artists’ Open Houses art trail. The trail starts on Saturday 18th June – visit for more information. This year there are 60 venues and Venue 34 will feature the work of 9 artists, showing paintings, drawings, jewellery, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking and digital art. Venue 34 has a website of its own showing examples of artwork from all 9 exhibiting artists – go to

Juliet Pannett Award

In September 2015 I exhibited with the West Sussex Art Society at Arundel Museum. The exhibition featured small new works. I had the honour to win the Juliet Pannett Rose Bowl Award for my painting ‘Stack’. Here is an image of the painting, which is in oils and measures 20cm x 20cm. I am working on a companion piece. Both these paintings are part of a larger collection of work on the significance of chairs.

Stack MT

New work

After a difficult year I have started to make artwork again and this painting is the first in a series. I am working in oils on Tintoretto board, compositions created from observation, from an archive of my own photographs or from ‘found’ images. This painting is 40 x 50cm and will be offered for sale when I have a group of work completed for exhibition.

Abandoned 1

A new site

This is a new site on which to show my artwork. Gallery pages will be added as work is completed. The initial gallery pages show paintings and drawings created prior to 2014.